Self-Swab Model

Self-Swab Model

The Self-Swab Model (SSM) is a swab test operating model that allows swab testing to be conducted at the premises of the company. The swab test will be carried out by an appointed Healthcare Provider together with a partnering laboratory.

Self-Swab Grant Scheme

To encourage companies to adopt the SSM, the Self-Swab Grant Scheme is an initiative by HPB to promote greater flexibility, sustainability, and ownership of swab testing in the companies whose workers need to undergo Rostered Routine Testing (RRT). 

The provision of the Self-Swab Grant Scheme is to support companies in partnering with approved private healthcare providers (HCPs) in conducting Rostered Routine Testing at their premises. The grant will cover the swabs and laboratory tests, and any retests due to inconclusive results.

To find out more on this scheme, please contact us at 6566 3311 or [email protected] 

Self-Swab Operating Model for Company Premises and Work Sites

Key components of the Self-Swab Model for Work Sites where swab testing is carried out  by approved private HCPs are as follows:  

  1. To support companies whose projects are composed of more than 250 in RRT population and whose purpose is  aimed at site operational efficiency.
  2. To provide convenience and accessibility to project workers by providing swab testing at their workplace or project site.
  3. Swab operations to be set up and managed by the partnering healthcare provider together with the company.
  4. Employers to bear the expenses for setup and additional deployment or other operating expenses covered under the service package proposed by the licenced swab service provider.

Eligibility for Self-Swab Grant

The interested company is required to partner with a licensed private HCP and laboratory to seek approval from the Ministry of Health (MOH) to conduct the swab test at the company’s designated premises. Upon receiving the license to swab at the site, the company is required  to apply with HPB for the grant. The grant provided is at  $12.00 per swab test sample and $90.00 for each laboratory test (UTM – Universal Transport Medium).

Application for Self-Swab Grant

Companies interested to receive the grant must send the Self-Swab Grant Application

Form to HPB supported by the following documents:

  • Licence of the site to conduct self-swab operations; and
  • Licence of the approved private HCP to conduct Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) swabs at the site. The Grant is applicable only for PCR swab tests.

    For more information on Self-Swab Grant Scheme please visit the Health Promotion Board page here.


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